Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gratuitous boob

Sorry it's been way more than a day since my last post!


1. Went to see M. Butterfly with my darling Karoline. What's that? Penis? Um...yep. There was a disclaimer on the ticket stating that there would be nudity, but we assumed boobs. And there were boobs, albeit gratuitously, not really serving a purpose to the plot. That was in the first act so we figured that we were in the clear, or at least that if there was more nudity it would probably be the same chick. Well, lo and behold, towards the end the guy who's been playing a woman for the whole play reveals himself to his lover. And by reveal, I mean reveal. Props to the actor who dropped his pants, the theater was not very warm. ;)

2. After the play, we went to the Bulldog NE and, upon being booed by her husband's friends due to the fact that they were on a "boys night", bellied up to the bar. The bar was pretty crowded, as it should be, and there were a couple of occasions to be annoyed by bubble-invading, creepily staring guys. One of whom, totally interjected into our conversation and then proceeded to just stand there staring at us (er..Karoline) while we talked. Eventually he did walk away, but it took him quite a while to get the not so subtle hint. Enter a guy (who shall remain nameless due to, well, don't worry about it) who walks up to the bar with his two friends. The two friends order beers while this guy orders water, says it about 5 times and then pulls a quarter out of his pocket, slams it on the counter, and says "That's for the water". Man...this guy was hammered! He's a rather short, young-looking guy wearing '50s style clothes. Picture Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future, only with sort of wavy hair and '50s-era glasses. Karoline and I give him a little shit for trying to pay for water in the first place and then let him know that if this were 1950, he was overpaying anyway. Don't ask me how I got started talking to him on my own...I blame Karoline...or one of her husband's friends who came over to talk to her. I was thinking he was very young and decided that I had to know, which of course starts as a guessing game and ends with me looking at his driver's license where I find that, while I think he's no older than 22, he's actually 34. Huh...I'm bad at that game. We're having a bit of back and forth where I'm refusing to tell him my name or my age because I'm not 100% sure that I want to be talking to him in the first place. I later give in to both and he gets overly fired up about my name and considers my age to be a blessing of some kind because it explains why I seem a bit jaded (or something like that...I, while not drunk, was drinking and things are a little foggy). It comes out that he's getting his PhD in Philosophy and is super intense and passionate about things, such as the meaning behind my name. Which I know and do not find all that interesting, but apparently is fascinating for this guy (who will from this point forward be known as "the philosopher"). To make a long story a smidgen shorter the conversation ended with me giving him my damn phone number and saying that I had no good reason to say no to going out with him. This is because I couldn't say to him that my good reason is "dude, you're like the same height as me." That would have been kind of mean right? Even if it's true. I have an issue with short guys, or rather, dating short guys. I do not find them to be particularly attractive and while I know that attraction can come with knowing a person's insides, this only works for me if the guy is already in my circle of friends. For "new" guys, I can't get past it. It makes me uncomfortable...and I really like to wear heels...high heels. I have a weird thing about needing to feel smaller than the guy (understanding, of course, that I am small and that wearing heels defeats this purpose). It's irrational, but it is what it is. As I try to remain open to going out with the philosopher, as time passes, I feel less and less like I'm actually going to. Partly because I don't really have time in the near future with work, school and the ever growing dandelion field in my front yard and partly because I kind of don't want to waste his time or give him the wrong idea. I suck at dating.

3. The computer saga continues. It took me 2 weeks to download the statistical software that started this whole mess in the first place. Meaning that I didn't even get to use it for the second to last homework assignment that requires it. It was a massive 3.88 GB file that kept timing out due to my apparently horrific internet connection and then it wouldn't restart without starting from the very beginning...well I finally figured it out but am now trapped in the "deployment wizard" which I am not finding to be very wizardly. So it's not actually installed and I fear that it never will be. Or at least that it's going to take some serious computer know-how which, for those of you that know me, I do not have. I will pray to the computer/dating gods to send me a cute, relatively tall, hopefully tattooed, computer geek who will fall madly in love with me and my pretty pink computer. And Max, of course.

Ok, I'm off to the grocery store and a gardening center. Probably in reverse order.

1 comment:

TeamHowe said...

Maybe the philospher has a hidden passion for computer....