Saturday, June 5, 2010


Looks like it's been a bit more than a day since I last wrote! I kept coming on here in the hopes of writing something, but then I would just leave. I don't know seemed exhausting to me.

It's dreary, rainy. Makes me feel tired and that everything is an effort. It's not entirely just a feeling though. It's difficult to get around lately because of my foot and it's got me bummed out.

I lost my footing walking down some stairs a little over a week ago; rolled my ankle and put a nice little crack in one of my foot bones. I was on crutches and in an immobilizer boot for 5 days before being told by the orthopaedic doctor that all of that was unnecessary overkill. Now that I'm walking on my foot, I long for my crutches. It was all good when I wasn't putting any weight on it, no pain. Now it constantly aches and walking on it is like walking on a huge bruise. Right now it's bothering me that Blogger spell check thinks I spelled orthopaedic wrong. It's just the way it's spelled at the clinic and I like it better that way. Blogger wants me to lose the 'a'. I refuse. I'm taking a stand...while sitting on my couch. I have to wear slippers to get around the house to put a little cushion between the hard wood and my foot. I'm doing laundry and I'm afraid I'm going to fall down the stairs. I have to take one at a time and I can't see where I'm going because the basket obstructs my view.

Here are a few pictures of my foot and one of the sweet bruise on my arm. Enjoy. Note the swollen ankle and beautiful array of colors. The pictures don't really do it justice. Sigh.

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