Thursday, April 1, 2010

What do the backs of your eyelids really look like? was a struggle to stay awake during class today. It's really too bad because my professor is kind of good-looking and I felt bad for probably looking completely glazed while he was lecturing. Other than being tired I really have nothing to discuss. I grilled pork chops and brussel sprouts for dinner. Yum. I'm wishing I would have made brownies while I was still upright. I should be going to have a beer with Kristy's husband and his friends. So many things I should be doing, but I'm probably going to be in bed in the next hour. I can't help it.

I have not received a reply from the guy I messaged on match. It's cool...I barely ever respond to emails myself. I'm choosing to think that he's not a subscriber and therefore cannot read or send messages. It makes me feel better. Rejection rules!

That's it...two paragraphs and I'm spent. Day 3 of writing in blog...check.

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