Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The TruGreen lawn guy parked his truck in front of my house and is canvassing the neighborhood looking for business. Max has been quietly (and occasionally loudly) barking at him for about an hour. Sigh.

My computer ended up at the Geek Squad for 2 days after freezing during configuring updates. I shut it down manually (oops), because it was frozen, resulting in improperly configured updates which left my poor little laptop stuck in a vicious cycle of restarting and reverting changes. It never stopped...poor thing. I brought it to the geeks and thankfully found out that I had not irreparably damaged the hard drive. Whew. However, $200 later, they had to do the same stupid clean install of Vista Ultimate that I had just done. Internet access is still through the unsecured public wi-fi in my neighborhood so apparently I need to get someone out here to figure out what the h is wrong. It nice to actually be wireless, but I don't like connecting to the internet through a public service when I have paid for it. Not to mention the fact that the connection is sub par at best, it's cutting in and out periodically while I'm writing this post. This whole thing confuses me to no end. I am so technologically-challenged. And if I have to reinstall one more thing I'm going to freak out. Double sigh.

Associated with the internet business, I tried to reconnect to the router I had purchased before I realized that what I was connected to was a router not a modem (this is a long story that is pretty boring so I'll spare you). I found out that whatever security key and/or password that was used to set up the new router network is totally unknown to me. I can see the network that has my name (well not my name per say, but my chosen network name) but I have no idea how to access it. LAME. Honestly...I paid for the damn thing and now I can't use it. I seem to recall at one point that there was a pre-filled password thing that I pressed enter on when I first bought this router so I don't think it's anything that I ever knew. Triple sigh.

I don't understand the point of group assignments. In one of my classes we were put into groups to do a 5 point assignment that will be the basis for an individual paper that's worth 30% of our grade. Not only that, but we were told that if after this group assignment, we disagree with what the consensus was, we can go in a different direction than the group for our paper. Seriously. What's the point of that? And let's be honest...who wrote the assignment for her group? This girl did. There were 3 other people in my group and only one other member gave any input. We got the assignment last Tuesday and met with our group that day in class. We discussed some stuff and then I decided we should work on google docs so that we could all give input. Ha! I put together an outline and let everyone know that I wanted the final draft complete by Monday evening. I'm a procrastinator so I figured I'd start working on it on Friday or Saturday. Enter aforementioned computer issues. The problem started Thursday night, I brought it to the geeks on Friday after work and didn't get it back until after work on Sunday. That's right, not only did I not have a computer, I had to work this weekend. And I STILL was the only one to create an actual paragraph. I don't expect that people should be any less of a procrastinator than I, but come on. Myself and one other group member were on google docs working on it yesterday late afternoon/early evening and I put the final document up and said if I didn't hear anything from the other two by 10 pm that what was written was being turned in. Well, one of them went onto google docs past 10 pm last night and had some questions and concerns (too late bucko) and the other went on this morning and said it looked beautiful and that she had nothing to add (of course not). WHATEVER. I hate group assignments for this very reason. Can I quadruple sigh?

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