Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One of geeks was kind of flirty...I'm starting to consider things.

Let me just preface this by saying that I'm getting as sick of talking about my stupid computer problems as you probably are of hearing about them. But, sadly, this is mostly what has been going on in my life as of late. So last night I went to retrieve the data I had stored on my external hard drive. You'll be shocked to hear that it did not work out as one would have hoped...or anticipated...or expected. I plugged it in, the computer downloaded the driver software and off it went categorizing the files on my PC. While it's doing this, I'm noticing that the external hard drive says that 0% of it's space is being used and the backup and retrieve tabs are greyed out. I was hopeful that once it was done doing whatever it was doing, everything would show up and I could move on with my life with my photos and homework assignments in tact. Nope. It finished categorizing and then just sat there...lifeless. I couldn't even backup the pre-implanted sample pictures of pretty scenary of places that I'll never go, let alone retrieve my memories. Once again, after about an hour of trying to figure out what the issue was, I started to get a little teary. It's not that I had volumes and volumes of pictures to lose, but they are important to me nonetheless. I was less concerned about the lost music since I still own practically every CD that I've ever purchased/been gifted minus the horribly scratched and/or stolen ones. But the pictures were upsetting to me. After a while, I gave up on the stupid external hard drive and started poking around in those windows.old files that I couldn't figure out before. Low and behold all of my stuff was still in there. So I spent a couple of hours moving everything including program files for programs that I thought I would have to redownload. This of course includes the virus software that I had already replaced with a brand new (and newly paid for) version of. Oh least I got my memories back right? Yeah it was all good. I decided to delete all of the software attached to the external hard drive and start from scratch. Which I did today. Plugged it in, computer downloads driver software and away we go. And what miraculously appears? Yep...suddenly my data is there, and the backup and retrieve tabs are usable. For crying out loud. Can nothing just work the way it's supposed to the first time? ARGH!!!!

I went to Target today. Oh Target. How I adore thee. Apparently while I scoff at paying $25 for a pair of admittedly cute little flats, I have no problem paying the same amount for a large metal container to put my way too long hose in so that it's not laying all over the sidewalk like a massive python. I'll probably end up with the shoes eventually. And do I really need another lip gloss? Sure, why not? I got a cute top and a dress. Upon leaving the fitting room, another woman was walking in with her man and as I walked away I could hear the attendant informing the woman that "Spouses aren't allowed in the room with you ma'am. We only allow moms in with their kids." I had to laugh...really? In a Target fitting room? To each their own I guess. And the attendant had reason to worry, the woman was trying on either a swimsuit or a bra and underwear set. What else...deodorant, undies, 2 bras, and some groceries. Including some sushi that is still not sitting quite right. $195 later and I needed to get out of there before I started buying new sheets and possibly some furniture! That place is evil. But I'll keep going back.

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