Monday, April 5, 2010

Get a hold of yourself!

Or rather...myself! This is gonna be a short one because it's already past my bedtime and I don't want to rant for too long.

I needed to install a different version of Windows Vista so that I can download a software program for school to do some homework. Thus far, I've been using the computers in the public health student area, but I really wanted it at home so that I didn't have to remember to use the other computers. Seeing as that I am computer-illiterate one would think that I would have consulted a technically savvy friend before going on this grand little adventure. One would think. It goes without saying that I did not do this. I did buy myself an external hard drive to make sure that I didn't lose any pictures/music/documents...point one for me. I did not however realize that when it says "clean install" it really "cleans" everything out. I have no idea what I lost or how to get it back. I had a spyware program, a virus scan program, Microsoft office suite (which I have the disc for and assume that I can just reinstall that??) and I'm sure several other programs that had at some point been downloaded and are now missing. The install process said it was putting the old OS in a file called windows.old which I found, but I haven't the foggiest idea of what is really in there, what it's even for, or how I could recover anything from it. It says "read only". This does not compute. Minus 1 million points for me. Then, the worst part was that I didn't know what the hell was happening and found when I tried to get online for help that my computer is no longer recognizing my router (this is a weird little router provided to me by the company that gives mpls its wireless service). After about 2 hours of trying to figure it out and ultimately being reduced to tears (the thought of having no internet access was really upsetting to me), I have gotten online (duh). My little router has no happy green lights on (only the power light) which means that I connected to the internet via an unsecured connection to who the hell knows what. Awesome. And I haven't made it to download the software that started this whole mess in the first place. And this homework is due on Wednesday. And I'm pretty sure that I was supposed to read a bunch of articles for my other class tomorrow. WTF. FML. For real.

On an unrelated note...Max hasn't eaten anything all day and just wants to sleep. He does this every once in a while and it concerns me every time. I truly think it's just that he's totally wiped from taking a walk and then visiting my parent's place yesterday. What a turd.

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