Wednesday, June 23, 2010

FU. Jerks.

I totally forgot to cancel my membership and it automatically re-enrolled me by charging my credit card without asking me first. I'm finding this to be rude, presumptuous and, quite frankly, a little hostile. As if to say "Hey there Asia, we noticed that after 3 months you still haven't found 'the one'. What's your deal? We're gonna go ahead and renew, forcing you to check out the losers that email you things like 'Nice pics, you look good' and 'Seems like we have a lot in common' (this coming from a guy who starts by saying he's very adventurous and outdoorsy, while my profile specifically states that outdoorsy to me means sitting out on a patio drinking a Stoli soda with a twist of lime) and the 44-54 yr olds that wink at you because even though they are old, the haven't got the balls to actually say something. Hope that's okay." Well you know what It's not really okay. I would have preferred an email letting me know "Hey there Asia, your subscription is almost up. Would you like to renew?" I could have spent that money on shoes. Or alcohol. Or porn. So now I feel obligated to go onto the website and check out the losers.

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