Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've been afraid this was going to happen...

...I got recognized by one of the pizza guys at my local Davanni's. I have officially gone there so many times to pick up my medium, thin crust, veggie works pizza that dude behind the counter was like "That's Asia" to the guy at the register and "I totally remember you" to me. I can only say that at least he's cute and I believe that he thinks I'm cute too. I was taken aback though because I just got my hair cut short and dyed blonde with red underneath yesterday and feel like I would be unrecognizable to someone that I don't see that often. Like, for instance, Pizza Guy. He's not even there every time I come in. Yikes. I probably order pizza once or twice a month. Maybe three times. It's hard to say...I'd have to check my bank records. And I don't want to do that. It might be sad. I really can't help it...I happen to love pizza, dislike grocery shopping, get too lazy to grill or cook and today it's too warm outside to turn on the oven. I have a salmon fillet in the fridge that I was going to cook on the grill, but I just didn't feel like it and decided that pizza sounded delicious. And I'm having one of those I-had-a-few-cocktails-last-night-and-just-want-to-eat-crap-all-day kind of days. I had chips and salsa for a mid-morning snack. This whole Davanni's thing is not the first situation that has led me to decide that my life is becoming more and more like Miranda on Sex & the City. Chocolate instead of sex was the first one. Not that I'm on strike as she was, but still. There have definitely been times when I've made brownies or eaten several pieces of dark chocolate instead of trolling for a random guy to have sex with. It's safer I suppose, but not as satisfying. So I now have to be on the look-out for an old boyfriend with one ball...and run away!


Unknown said...

Hi I found your blog when I was feeling pretty depressed about all the weddings I had to go to of high school/college friends this year. I'm 26 and the few relationships I've had were very dysfunctional and lasted less than 6 months each. I seem to attract the same type of guy over and over and don't know how to fix that! I've been scared to try bc I'm afraid of attracting more of the like! Anyway, I love your blog and find it really relatable. I have the same thing with Taco Bell. When Im in the mood for junk food about once a week I go there and get the same thing. I know the guy recognizes me so I'm trying to avoid it now! Anne

Annastasia Gross said...

Thanks Anne! I'm glad I could make you laugh. I've been wondering lately if anybody actually reads this thing! Don't be afraid of you're not interested in the guys, you can just ignore them. Without actual knowledge of any hurt feelings or dirty looks. Good luck!


Unknown said...

Well, I'll keep reading your updates! Sometimes it's just nice to know that there are other girls out there who didnt follow the whole meet spouse in early twenties, marriage in mid twenties, kids in late twenties path. Sometimes I feel like I am so far behind the game! I was even thinking of starting my own blog and seeing if others come on to talk about such issues.