Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maybe she could hear me rolling my eyes?

So I go to Starbucks this morning for my grande iced vanilla soy latte 'cause that's how I roll when it's 77 and humid at 8:30 am. If it were cooler I would have gone with the tall hot caramel soy latte. I used to drink the coffee made at work, but after we were out for a week or two and I got used to Starbucks and the Peace Coffee that I make at home, the coffee at work now tastes like ass and I want no part in it. I cannot, however, drink regular black Starbucks coffee. It makes me feel like I'm on crack and then I crash into a post-caffeine hangover where I feel nauseous and have a headache. So I opt for the latte, with soy milk because I only drink organic milk and while they sell little Horizon milk boxes, I don't think they offer it for use in their drinks. I could be wrong about that. (Side note: I just looked up from my computer and noticed that it is suddenly pouring rain and super windy outside. I'm hoping for hail so I can get the massive scrape on the side of my car fixed from when I had a run-in with a concrete post.) Back to Starbucks. I only have a half hour for a coffee break so I just want to get my latte and head outside to read Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang (Hi-larious, but I have no link for this book...I couldn't decide on amazon or barnes and should support your local bookstore, unlike me who bought it at Target). There wasn't a line so I was fired up, until I slowly came to the realization that the lady in front of me with the cute southern accent and the rolling briefcase was buying several mugs, wanted them filled with coffee and also wanted to buy a bunch of the little graham cracker/cookie/snacks that they sell. Sigh. The girl takes my order anyway, but they only have one register open and while they have the manager there plus three worker bees, no one seems to think it would be a good idea to open the second register to deal with the obvious sales rep for whatever. Then the lady with the cute southern accent and rolling briefcase offers to pay for my drink because I'm having to wait for her. Except she wasn't that nice about it. It was sort of like a backhanded payment because she thought I was annoyed at having to wait. True, but not the point. She thought this because, while I had accepted her offer, I was still standing there...because I was certain that she wouldn't be able to tell the register girl that what she was paying for was a grande iced vanilla soy latte. Just making sure that Starbucks was properly compensated for my beverage. I was as gracious as one could be after having her drink begrudgingly paid for by someone who was buying an obnoxious amount of shit for 8:30 in the morning. Later in the afternoon I went to grab some lunch at the student union, I get into the shortest line and slowly realize why it's the shortest line. Yep, the lady with the cute southern accent and rolling briefcase is now buying a bunch of Panda Express meals complete with fortune cookies. Unfortunately, I was not directly behind her so I had to pay for my spicy California roll and strawberries. Dang. On an up note, I spent my lunch break reading while taking long glances to the side at the two shirtless guys with nice bodies putting up a tent on the lawn. Not a bad way to spend 30 minutes if you ask me.

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