Friday, August 6, 2010

I live in the city for cripe's sake! Sort of.

The Starbucks lady was in a much better mood today. She wasn't working the register so that may have had something to do with it. And it's there's that. Regardless of the reason, she was downright pleasant and all is right with the world.

I haven't made any plans with the ex, but am pretty sure that I will end up going out for drinks against my better judgment. Even though I've thought a lot about how it's a really bad idea and that I should remain sober and in control. There is still the possibility that it will happen that way and there is also the distinct possibility that we won't go out at all. It's not like he has my number (even though it's the same one I've had since the late 90's) or like I have his (because he definitely does NOT have the same number...I tried that when I couldn't find him last time) so unless we're on facebook at the same time, no plans will be made.

The 24 yr old is working two full time jobs and apparently has no time for anything or anybody. Except beer pong. I understand people have their priorities. Whatevs. The summer of boys is turning out to be a big dud. I suppose I can always check out again and see what fresh batch of lame-o's are on there. I also need to check and see when that subscription is up again so I cancel it before they renew without authorization.

I'm off to take Max for a walk since the dew point is back in a reasonable range. I am all about heat, but when it's 90 degrees and the dew point is in the 70s, just walking from my car to my house made me sweaty. And Max is only comfortable in a very small range of temperatures. Like my Mom. Hopefully we don't have any coyote sightings. That's right, you read correctly, I said coyote. There has been one roaming around my neighborhood and I wouldn't have believed my neighbor when she told me about it, but I'm pretty sure I saw it the day before she told me. It was running down my street and I thought it was a stray dog that looked a bit like a German Shepherd. I now have to go outside with Max to watch for this coyote so he doesn't try to eat my dog. This puts a crimp in my morning routine since Max likes to just run around the yard aimlessly for about 15-20 minutes before doing his business. I usually get up 20 minutes before I need to leave. You see how this is a problem. I can't exactly get ready while I'm sitting out on the porch waiting to scare off a wild animal. And what the hell am I going to do to a coyote anyway? Hopefully it's afraid of all people as I am not a very big one.

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