Thursday, June 5, 2008

There's something about hail...

I walked in the door this afternoon and about 30 seconds later it started hailing. I must have some sort of force field around me that protects me from these mini ice balls falling from the sky. Sweet.

On another scooter was delivered today!! Yay...sort of. It's way pinker than it looked online, but I guess that's retribution for not going to an actual dealer to purchase it. It's like Bazooka bubble gum pink...or Double Bubble. As long as the reference conjures images of large bubbles and flavor that lasts approximately 25 seconds. Also, I knew that I would have to attach the handlebar, side mirrors and front wheel, but damn. This thing came packaged to within an inch of its life. And it's from China so the user guide leaves a bit to be desired. It's translated to well as you can translate Chinese directly to English. I'll give you an example in reference to checking the tires:

check the tyre pressure regularly and adjust.
-Check after the tyre cooled
-Check if there any metal trash or gravel in thegroove of tyres
-If the tyre pressure dose not accord with the standard, it will possibly the traffic accident.
-It is dangerous to, use the worn tire, It will effect to the friction between tyre and road. It will possilly bring trouble tor dring or even an accident.

Seriously...that was word for word including spaces and punctuation. You should notice that they did spell tire correctly once in there. However, I'm not sure what to make of "tor dring"...I feel like tor might be for, but dring? Hmm...yikes...I fear for my safety! Although, I picture a cute little old Chinese man telling me that worn tyres will possilly bring me trouble. When I get the darn thing assembled and out of it's metal casing deal I'll post a picture of all it's pink glory.

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