Saturday, August 23, 2008

I may need to enter Olympic-watcher rehab...

What have I been up to lately? What have I been doing with my time? Glad you asked. No, I have not cleaned up my weed farm of a yard. No, I haven't painted my bedroom or bathroom. I've barely cleaned at all. I have spent hours on end watching these summer Olympics. I'm watching table tennis as I write this. I have no idea what has come over me. Prior to table tennis, I was watching synchronized swimming. Yep, synchronized swimming. It was mesmerizing. I couldn't stop watching. I'm amazed at all I've seen. And quite frankly, my status as couch potato has never felt more lame. Although I did walk around Lake Calhoun two times in the past week. But these Olympic athletes are just spectacular. Oh well, I'll just have to see how much food I can stuff into my body tomorrow.

That's right everybody, it's the time for the great Minnesota get-together. STATE FAIR TIME!! Anything and everything on a stick. I've heard a couple of new items this year are fried bacon on a stick and deep-fried green beans (not on a stick). I plan to bring my camera and take a pic of everything for you poor schmucks living in TX and CA. I'll give the rundown when I roll myself home tomorrow.

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