Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love storms, but come on!

I don't know how, but my car escaped hail damage even though I was literally driving through a hailstorm. It's nothing short of amazing. I was on my way to California Pizza Kitchen at Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove to meet my girls for dinner and drinks before heading to the theater to see Sex & The City. As I was driving down 94 I looked to the right and saw that it looked to be raining pretty hard over the shopping area, so I rolled up my windows and closed the moon roof in preparation. Oh, was I in for a shock!! I took a right onto Hemlock Lane and drove directly into a hailstorm. OMG! I didn't know what to do. I kept driving, albeit very slowly, but I wasn't sure if it would do any good to stop. I called my friend to let her know what was going on and she said that she could barely hear me over the sound of marble sized hail slamming into my poor car. With every bang and thump I could just picture the damage that I was going to have to deal with. I kept waiting for glass to was really scary. I finally made it to the parking lot by CPK and sat there wondering what I should do. Strong winds were blowing tiny trees sideways and I was told that the area was under a tornado warning. My sister called to make sure that I was okay and told me I should make run for it and get inside instead of being a sitting duck in my car. Just after she said that, it stopped. It stopped hailing and raining and the sun peaked out a little. I wasn't sure if this was the calm before the real storm or not, but I made a break for it and ran into the restaurant. I was shaken a bit, but after a couple of raspberry mojitos all was well.

And Sex & The City was SO GOOD!!! It was pretty cool being in a theater that was almost all women. There is a scene involving an amazingly fantastic closet and when Carrie opened the doors and we first saw it, all the women in the theater gasped and ah'ed. It was hilarious! I'm so glad that I got to see it with my sister and two of my close friends. I was missing Kristy though :(

And afterwards I met up with a friend from college that I haven't seen in years. It was great to see her and have a couple of cocktails. Also, her friends were very cool. One boy in particular piqued my interest. We'll see...that story may have to be continued.

1 comment:

TeamHowe said...

Oh how I wish I could have been there... not for the storm, although I do love them, but to hangout, catch-up, and join you for what sounds like a fabulous girl's night!!!