Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mmm...cheese curds

Okay, so I'm home from the fair. What a great day. Pure sunshine with only 75 degrees. Normally this would be too cold for me, but it translates to 85 degrees Fair temp so it worked out. We ate a lot of food, drank a lot of beer and generally had a wonderful time. It didn't start out that great though. We decided to use the park & ride from Northtown mall. The lot was too full so I had to park kind of far away. Annoyed. We pay our $5 and get on the bus. Waiting, hungry. The bus driver is reading a paper and waiting for more people to get on before leaving. Still hungry. An obnoxious alarm begins to sound. Brett, being hung-over from his 10 year reunion is not pleased. Still hungry. Okay, so eventually the bus driver tells us that the bus is breaking down as we sit there and we need to get off and use the bus that has pulled in behind us. Fine, we move and get on our way. A little hitch, but I give the park & ride system at Northtown mall an overall thumbs down (partly due to the ride home where the bus driver decided to take the scenic route). Either way...we made it into the fair, with its masses of Minnesotans. People-watching at its best. Overly short shorts, fanny packs galore, people pushing strollers while looking the opposite direction (Jessica's fave), 2 year-olds having been subjected to the "Fair-Do" by their mothers, mass chaos at the corn roast. We decided to use a method of community food which worked out quite well. I don't think any of us felt icky-full at any point during the day. We tried the deep fried green beans and gave it a resounding two thumbs up! The "Perfect pickle" (deep fried pickle slices) was a little disappointing, possibly because the slices were lava hot, but still tasty. The fried bacon-on-a-stick was really yummy, but that was expected...bacon=yum. We did not partake in the pickle popsicle (frozen pickle juice in a Mr. Freeze-type plastic sleeve thingy), but there's always next year. The deep fried Twinkie almost cost Brett his life as he inhaled the powered sugar before even taking a bite. Jessica got her berries and cream only to find a better berries and cream stand later on...she had both. Or rather WE had both...yummy. Un-cored strawberries with Reddi-Whip the first time and then cored strawberries with Cool Whip the second time. I say good both ways, but Jessica prefers the cored berries with Cool Whip. Kevin got cajun seasoned shrimp-on-a-stick and gave a thumbs up. Brett got deep friend oysters...he claims they were good. I'm sure they probably were, deep fried anything is good. Funny thing was both Jessica and I somehow were picturing oysters on the half shell when he said that's what he was getting. Apparently we both forgot that we were in the land of "if you can, fry it". Of course we also had the staples of fair food: pronto pups (corn dogs), corn and the cob, cheese curds (OMG...yum) and cheese-on-a-stick. We even wandered through the Grandstand building, the Progress building (filled with all things green and eco-friendly), and the Home Improvement building (found carpet made from corn!). Like I said, it was a great day at the Minnesota State Fair. I highly recommend the fried green beans. They can be found in the Food building at the O'Gara's stand. Mmm.

1 comment:

TeamHowe said...

Thanks for taking pics for us poor schmucks in Tejas. Man, I wish I there. :(