Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Insert clever title here...

I've decided that I'm going to attempt to write something every day. We'll see...I'm usually all talk in these types of situations.

Recent happenings:

1. Max "injured" a paw, became fearful of several spots in the house, refused to step off of the rug without major coaxing or use of the leash. What a freak. He's better now...mostly. (I only say "injured" because for the life of me I can't find anything wrong)

2. The IRS didn't find my massive clothing donation to be suspicious and gave me a crapload of money back. This is tempered by the fact that it was my money to begin with. I want to use the money to fix up my bathroom, but don't really know where to start. I secretly want to spend it all on clothes, shoes and a vacation. The bathroom must win out.

3. I made it through my first semester of grad school without having a nervous breakdown. Yay. I found out that grad school is kind of easy...which is good seeing as I'm still working full time. I took too heavy of a load that first semester, but I made it! This semester is more chill. I'm taking the summer off of school so I can get a bit of a social life back!

4. On that note...I resubscribed to match.com...for no good reason. It's really not for me. I guess I just figured I'll see who's on there right now. So far I'm not impressed.

5. Deep-cleaned the house yesterday. My whole body hurts but it feels good to be in a clean house. So much fur!!! I'm surprised Max isn't bald.

6. Max and I took a walk today and just as we were walking up to the driveway some young teen guy came running at me from across the street. Scared the shit out me as I was deeply into some tunes blasting in my ears. He asks, through crunches of red Funyons (spicy Funyons? interesting), what's your dog's name? what kind of dog is he? and how old is he? I say 5 and he replies "isn't that too old?" I really wanted to say 'too old for what?' but I explained to him that little dogs live a long time. He admits to not knowing this fact and then proceeds to tell me that he has a dog that's "about this high" while his hand never really stops at any one height. I'm really trying very hard not to be like "is there a point to this conversation?" Cause you're not introducing yourself to me or moving this convo towards anything other than "cool dog ma'am." It was strange.

7. Upon opening the front door to go on above-mentioned walk...about 10 minutes after walking in the door from school...I'm greeted by a wasp. Wtf. That's all I have to say about that.

'Til tomorrow. Maybe. If I remember. :)

1 comment:

TeamHowe said...

Welcome back to the world, Asge! (you know, that name we call that is short for Asia... I'm not quite sure how to spell it.