Friday, September 19, 2008

My love of statistics?

I'm not sure how it happened, but I decided to go back to school to get my Master's of Public Health in Epidemiology. Most likely with a focus on infectious disease. It's like being an investigator and you get to look for patterns and do surveys. OCD Heaven. Not that I think I have full blown OCD...just a touch. Just enough to realize that I have an actual, real and true, interest in finding patterns. I also like math (statistics) and am very interested in infectious diseases (tracking the Ebola virus...fascinating). when I say I've decided that's what I'm going to go back for, what I'm actually saying is that I am attempting to get into a program at the U of M...not exactly a sure thing. I'm a bit nervous about that. Also, I have to take the GRE, which I will be taking on November 3rd. And so far...I have come to the realization that my vocabulary is not very...what's the word? Exactly. I have fond memories of Wordmasters (Jessica will remember that one) in 4th grade and being frickin awesome at analogies. I'm still okay at them, but they use some words that I don't all. This goes double for the antonyms. How can I find the opposite of a word that I don't know? Sigh. Must study.


Mari said...

I have no doubt you'll get it!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Love ya!

TeamHowe said...

Kick ass!