Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rejections and C-sections

Update on the job front:

I didn't get the lab manager job. They decided to go with someone with previous supervisory experience. I'm pretty sure that my interview was a concession because they called the next day to tell me that I didn't get it and since I was the last to interview, I feel like they had already made up their minds before I even came in. Whatever, I'm still out there looking. Applying for jobs that I'm not qualified for is fun! Ha. ha. ha. Argh.

Update on the baby front:

My best friend just became a new mommy on 3-19-08 at 10:30pm!! Little baby girl Kasja Elizabeth came into the world weighing in at 6lbs. 14 oz. 18.5 in.

Isn't she precious!! She decided to give her mom's ribs a break and come a little early. Yay. I'm overjoyed for my friend and her husband, they are going to be such good parents!! Lucky for you Kasja, your parents are cool.

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