Monday, June 22, 2009

So that's done.

I FINALLY got all of those clothing items out of my house a few weeks ago. I see from my earlier blog that I predicted this would happen...but still. That crap had been sitting on my bedroom floor for like 5 months. There is something wrong with that. Here's the final tally:

23 pairs of pants/capris
7 pairs of jeans
8 skirts/skorts
19 tank tops
22 T-shirts
10 long sleeve tops/sweaters
4 dresses
7 jackets/coats
7 kids clothing items
2 pillows
1 comforter
1 duvet cover
4 pillowcases
1 bedskirt
2 flat sheets
3 fitted sheets
1 baby blanket (found on a walk with Max)
13 pairs of shoes/sandals/boots
7 purses
3 belts
2 hats
1 pair of socks
1 headband
2 pair of undies (never worn of course!!)
1 backpack

I took pictures of everything and then proceeded to delete them from my camera thinking that I had already downloaded them. What the hell. Hopefully I don't get audited by the IRS next year after I claim all of that as donations!! I ended up with a bit more that I started with because as spring/summer arrived I realized that everything I had purchased a couple of years ago is now huge. Not that I'm complaining, but seriously...I really liked a lot of that stuff. Oh well. Done and done. I apologize for the boring nature of this blog. Maybe I should have blogged about Vegas instead??