Saturday, December 20, 2008

Beans. a couple of things have happened since I last wrote. There have been some beans. I'm not sure if they are baked beans or green beans, but they are beans nonetheless.

It happened...I turned 30. It turns out that it's not so bad and that I got myself all worked up for nothing. In the end, you turn 30 and then you move on. You can't turn back the clock, you can't take it back. It is what it is. I got to get all dressed up and go to a nice restaurant and have some cocktails with my friends which is all I really wanted.

I think we all look fabulous and my dress was just the right level of obnoxious. We went to Zelo for dinner, which came complete with a good-looking, incredibly charming waiter. Yay. He offered his arm to lead me to the restroom...enough said. After dinner the crew walked a couple of blocks (brrr) to The Local for some drinks. Karoline luckily spotted a booth and that's where we stayed. I knew that I wanted a shot of Patron so Brett and I had one. By the end of the night...he had had FOUR shots!! Yikes Brett...yikes. We had a short visit from The Williamsons, owners of Flat Earth Brewing Co. Drink Flat Earth people!! I really had a great time. Kristy couldn't be there because she's kind of big deal at 3M and had to get back to TX to give reviews of her minions. Hope you were harsh, but fair Kristy! My sister wasn't able to join us because she ended up having to get her wisdom teeth out. On. My. Birthday. Whatever Liz. However, she and my brother-in-law redeemed themselves the night before by taking me out to dinner at Fogo de Chao. Holy crap, that was some good meat! Vegetarians beware, this is a place for meat-eaters only. They do have a fantastic salad bar, but for the price it's the meat that it's all about. Yum. After we had tapped out on the meat we needed to decide what to get for dessert. A guy seated next to us had ordered this massive piece of cheesecake which he proceeded to take down in about 2 minutes. We all ate this one together. Happy Birthday to me!!

Ok. So the other news is that I GOT IN!! I was accepted into the U of MN Master's program for Epidemiology!! In my last blog I had mentioned that I took the GRE, but what I didn't bring up is that I really wasn't happy with my scores. They weren't quite up to par in my eyes, and also according to the preferred requirements of the program. I was seriously considering re-taking the exam and was feeling very pessimistic about the whole thing. Then, I received a letter on Nov 18th stating that my application materials had been sent to the admissions committee, so I decided to just let the chips fall where they may. I've been trying for the past month not to think about it at all. I didn't want to get my hopes up because I was certain that I wouldn't get in. Well...I was wrong. Very wrong. I'm still sort of in shock. I am pretty pumped though. I get to go school shopping!! It's still too early to do much now since the actual early deadline was just on the 15th of Dec and the late deadline isn't until April. So...I just have to wait. I can't believe I'm actually going back to school!! AACK!!!