Sunday, September 28, 2008

Unstable, nervous, anxious...

Neurotic is defined, as a noun, as 'a person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset' or 'a person afflicted with a neurosis or tending to be emotionally unstable'. This has apparently become a good way to decribe me as a person. I've become a neurotic crazy person. I can only hope that I did not completely scare off the musician (aka my date). I've got my fingers crossed. I'm not going to go into any great detail because I really don't want to talk about it. Let's just say that I let the crazy out and I was hoping to keep it under wraps longer than this. Seriously...I may need to be medicated.

Friday, September 19, 2008

My love of statistics?

I'm not sure how it happened, but I decided to go back to school to get my Master's of Public Health in Epidemiology. Most likely with a focus on infectious disease. It's like being an investigator and you get to look for patterns and do surveys. OCD Heaven. Not that I think I have full blown OCD...just a touch. Just enough to realize that I have an actual, real and true, interest in finding patterns. I also like math (statistics) and am very interested in infectious diseases (tracking the Ebola virus...fascinating). when I say I've decided that's what I'm going to go back for, what I'm actually saying is that I am attempting to get into a program at the U of M...not exactly a sure thing. I'm a bit nervous about that. Also, I have to take the GRE, which I will be taking on November 3rd. And so far...I have come to the realization that my vocabulary is not very...what's the word? Exactly. I have fond memories of Wordmasters (Jessica will remember that one) in 4th grade and being frickin awesome at analogies. I'm still okay at them, but they use some words that I don't all. This goes double for the antonyms. How can I find the opposite of a word that I don't know? Sigh. Must study.